PickMaster Euroleague Statistics
The reference point for each PickMaster Euroleague player!
The detailed statistics of PickMaster Euroleague provide the players all the useful information on their way to the top of the game standings! They are divided into three special pages with detailed tables for the actual statistics of the teams in the Euroleague, their average points contribution to the game and to the players' scores, as well as for the scoring statistical data of every round of the game.
On each page you can click on the name of each column to sort the tables and the teams according to the respective stat category that you are interested in or consider the most important to your predictions.
Teams Statistics
Tables with teams statistics in Euroleague games:
  • Wins-Losses: totals, home/away, against strong/weak opponents
  • Points differences: totals, home/away, winning/losing, against strong/weak opponents and combinations of them
  • Winning Streaks: total, home/away, against strong/weak opponents
Teams predictions-results Statistics
Tables indicating the average points contribution of each team to the game:
  • Which teams give the most points to the players and which the fewest
  • Which are the best in predicting the correct result and which in approaching the result points difference
  • Which are the most selected and awarding for extra scores
Game Statistics
Tables with all the scoring statistical data of the game, per round:
  • Best Scores and Average Score of each round
  • Average number of correct results predictions per player and total number of Round Bonuses (9/9, 8/9 & 7/9)
  • Average points divergence per game and total number of exact difference predictions
  • Round Median and values of passes, based on the round median.