What is the PickMaster Euroleague?
PickMaster Euroleague is a prediction game for the Euroleague. Each player has to predict the results of each game along with the points difference of the winner. Their score depends on how close to the real result their prediction will be. Each player will have the opportunity to predict all the games that will take place this season in Euroleague, ie for the 34 Regular Season rounds, the Playins-Playoffs rounds and the Final Four. The player who will collect the highest score at the end of the season, cumulatively from the two game standings (game predictions, season predictions), will be the PickMaster Euroleague winner.
How can I participate in the PickMaster Euroleague?
To play in the PickMaster Euroleague you have to join BasketStories as a member, making a typical
registration on the website that will help the game keep your game scores. Once your registration is complete, you can enter the game website and play in the PickMaster Euroleague.
I am already a BasketStories member. Do I need to do anything else to participate in the game?
All you have to do is enter the game website and start making your predictions. No additional information is required to participate in the PickMaster Euroleague.
I did not catch the 1st round of the game. Can I join and play now?
You can join the PickMaster Euroleague and make your predictions for the upcoming games at any time of the season.
What is the PickMaster Euroleague gameplay?
The game consists of three phases (or stages), namely Regular Season, Playins-Playoffs, Final Four and is divided into rounds, according to the schedule of the Euroleague. Making predictions about the games of a round is very simple and all you have to do is to:
- select the winner of each game
- predict the points difference by which you think the winner will win
- select one or more of the games of the round that will multiply their score (see extra scores below)
Your score depends on how close to the real result your prediction will be (you get more points if your prediction is close to the real score of the game). Also, you should make predictions for the final team standings of the season, before season starts. You can find more about the game scores in the next questions, as well as in the
game instructions page.
How often do I have to make predictions?
PickMaster Euroleague includes all the games of the Euroleague, so you should make your predictions for the games of each round until the round start time. Moreover, the game offers you the possibility to make your predictions for the games of the next round at any time (until that round starts as well).
How long can I make my predictions for a specific round?
You can make your predictions until the start of the round, ie until the start time of the first game of this round. Since then you will not be able to submit predictions for any of the games of the respective round.
Season predictions must be made before the start of the season.
Can I change my predictions?
You can change all your predictions for all the games of the round, through the
Make Predictions page, by clicking the "Change" button below the table of your predictions. You can change all the specific data of your predictions, ie the result/winner, the final points difference, but also your distribution of the extra scores in the games of the round, as many times as you wish. Changes are possible until the start of the round.
Season predictions cannot be changed after submission.
Can I make predictions for the next round?
You can make your predictions not only for the games of the current round that is coming next in the schedule, but also for
the next round. Of course, you can change your predictions for the games of the next round at any time, until the round starts.
Can I make predictions for postponed games?
Each game that is postponed is in the
page of postponed games. There you can change your predictions separately for each postponed game. You can change your prediction for each postponed game until its start time.
How do I earn points? In which ways I can get score?
Basic scoring of a game:
- For each correct prediction of a winner you earn 5 points.
- For each predicted points difference that is less than 11 points away from the real points difference of the game you earn 11-X points, where X is the divergence of the prediction from the real difference.
The divergence points have effect regardless of the game result (you can earh points even if you did not find the winner, if your game points divergence is less than 11 points). Also, there are no negative scores.
- If you predict correct the winner and the exact difference of the game you earn a bonus of 4 points.
Thus, the maximum score from a game through basic scoring (without other bonuses) is 20 points.
In the playoffs and the Final Four phases these scores are automatically multiplied by 2 and by 3 respectively.
Extra scoring (analyzed below):
- the extra scores multiply the scores of the games they have been assigned to by the respective multiplying factor (valid only for the Regular Season).
- outsider bonuses automatically double the score from the respective games
- Round bonuses give extra points depending on the number of correct result predictions (valid only for the Regular Season).
Season predictions:
- Season predictions are scored based on different scoring criteria, depending on how close to the actual final place of the team is the player's prediction, but also how high this team finished in the season standings. The score from the season predictions is added to the total score derived from the game predictions.
What are the extra scores?
Each game in the PickMaster Euroleague has a multiplier factor the unit (1) by default. During the Regular Season, you can use a total of 2 extra scores units in the games of each round, in any way you want, thus multiplying the score you will win from the respective games. It is up to you to use the whole stock of 2 extra units in a single game (which you obviously think you have made a good prediction), in order to triple your score in this game (1 unit by default + 2 extra units = multiplier factor 3), or if you will divide it up to four games, which will have a multiplier factor of 1.5 each in the score they will give to you. In any case, the extra points that will be added in total to the games of the round can not exceed 2, while the smallest extra score unit that can be added to a game is half a unit (multiplier factor 1.5).
You can find more information and examples about in the
game instructions page.
I predicted a big surprise! Do I win any bonus?
If you predict correctly the winner in a game in which the winning team has accumulated a percentage less than or equal to 15% in the total predictions of the players, then you win the outsider bonus. The outsider bonus applies to all phases/stages of the game and automatically doubles the score you earn from a game.
I predicted all the results correctly! Do I win any bonus?
PickMaster Euroleague round bonuses reward players who have correctly predicted most of the games of the round. Specifically:
- if you make 9/9 correct predictions, you earn 30 extra points
- if you make 8/9 correct predictions, you earn 15 extra points
- if you make 7/9 correct predictions, you earn 5 extra points
The round bonuses are valid only for the rounds of the regular season.
I forgot to make my predictions in time. What happens now?
The PickMaster Euroleague schedule can be hectic and demanding and sometimes you may not be able to make your predictions. In this case you get one of the three available Passes that the game provides you with, in order to not keep back in the standings. Depending on which Pass you use, you get the corresponding points:
- 1st Pass: 75% of the value of the median of the round standings
- 2nd Pass: 2/3 of the value of the median of the round standings
- 3rd Pass: 50% of the value of the median of the round standings
If you do not make predictions for a fourth round, then you will not be able to get extra score from the Pass feature. Passes are valid only from the 2nd Regular Season round to the second last Regular Season round and their scores are counted only for the overall standings of the game. In the other rounds you can not get any extra score. You can find detailed examples in the
game instructions page.
Can I see the other players' predictions?
You can see the other players' predictions if you click on their username as it appears on the several standings pages of the game.
Can I see my previous predictions?
You can see all the predictions you have made for all the rounds of the game, along with their scores and the bonuses you have earned, through the
My Predictions page, by selecting the round you want in the menu on the right.
What are the season predictions
In addition to the scoring of the single games and rounds, there is an additional special score regarding the final standings of the competition. Final standings refer only to the end of the season (after the playoffs and the Final Four) and not at the end of the Regular Season (even if Regular Season standings will be considered official at the end of the season, they will not be taken into account unless the Final has been taken place. Each player is asked to make their predictions for the final standings of the competition before the start of the game, ie before the start of the first game of the season. Otherwise, they get a score of zero (0) points from that scoring way.
Season predictions are taken into account for the overall score/standings of the game and they are scored based on different criteria, according to the
game instructions, where in general, the closer the prediction is to the actual final place of the team and the higher this team finishes in the standings, the higher the score for the player.
What statistics can I consult?
Are the scores in the Playoffs and the Final Four different?
In the playoffs (quarterfinals), as well as in the Play-In tournament, all scores are automatically multiplied by 2 (correct result prediction, points difference, exact difference bonus). At this stage extra scores and round bonuses have no effect (while they have in Regular Season). Respectively, in the Final Four all the scores are multiplied by 3. The outsider bonuses apply to all phases of the game.
Who is the winner of the game?
The winner of the game will be the player who has collected the highest total score from the games predictions and the season predictions. You can see more at the
game instructions page.
What are the special team standings (Olympiacos, Panathinaikos)?
In addition to the overall game standings, in the PickMaster Euroleague there are also special team standings (Olympiacos, Panathinaikos), where scores are calculated only from the respective games of each team. Only the basic scores of the predictions (correct result, points difference, exact difference bonus) are counted for these standings, while points resulting from extra scores and outsider bonuses are excluded.
What are the Max 5 Standings;
Max 5 is a new type of standings, for pre-defined intervals of rounds, in which the winner is the player who will have made the highest performance/score in a single round that has been held during these intervals. The pre-defined intervals set by these mini leagues are between the rounds: 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-34, 35-41 (Playins-Playoffs), 42-43 (Final Four). The player with the highest score in a single in each of these mini leagues is their winner.
When does the game end?
PickMaster Euroleague ends together with the end of the Euroleague. The final standings refer to the end of the game. In case the competitiion is not completed, the terms, as stated on the
respective page of the game, apply.
What are the game prizes?
Big prizes await the players with the highest scores at the end of the game. Specifically, the first in the overall standings will win a Nintendo Switch Lite. The Regular Season winner will win a ticket to the Euroleague Final 4 (if it will take place with normal attendance, otherwise, a Euroleague team jersey) The second in the overall standings will win a Spalding TF-500 basketball. The third winner will win a Spalding TF-150 basketball. Players finishing fourth and fifth in the overall standings will win a basketball book of their choice from a specific pool of books. In addition, the first in the Olympiacos standings will win an Olympiacos official jersey, while the first in the Panathinaikos standings will win a Panathinaikos official jersey. The winner of each Max 5 Standings will win a basketball book of their choice from a specific pool of books. You can see more info on the
prizes page.
Can I create a Private League to play with my friends?
You can
create your own Private League and invite your friends to play directly against them in the PickMaster Euroleague. Your
Private League can be either public, for other people to enter, or private, so each new player will need to enter the password of the league. The score of each Private League counts as in the regular PickMaster game and starts from the round that follows in the schedule after the league creation. Each Private League has its own round and season scores, while its creator can set a prize for its winner, to grow the interest.
Are there any similar games in BasketStories?
Besides the PickMaster Euroleague, through BasketStories you can play in the
PickMaster Euroleague Players, the prediction game for the ranking of the Euroleague players.